Let’s Stay In Touch

September 14

We've been busy behind the scenes in our long term goal of a tiny homes pilot project for Independence. We want to create 12 homes. Successful candidates will pass physical and psychological evaluations, undergo regular drug testing, will learn life and employment skills, secure a job and start a savings account. Our goal is for each to transition into an affordable apartment within twelve months.

1. We have our EIN number and are now setting our sights on the 501c3. After that we need to focus on fundraising!!!

2. Dan, Bill and I met with Mark Farnham, co-founder of Villa Nova in Joplin. We have a field trip to Joplin planned for November 4th…reach out if you plan to attend. They are providing lunch.

3. Don't forget to be collecting for our next partner to bless in October--St Marks!

4. We will probably start sending out invitations for our advisory board next week. If you have suggestions for that, please let me know. We want a board member from each of the following if possible: civil engineer, finance, banking, community leadership, legal…you can see where I’m going here.
